
First and foremost, I want to say thank you over and over to the many people who are working to keep us alive and to keep us safe.  Thank you for putting your lives on the line to make sure that others get better.  You put yourselves in danger.  You are real-life superheroes!  Be safe!  THANK YOU!!!!!! 

In the current situation that the world is in, people are scared. People are fearful of the things that could happen.  People are fearful, scared, worried…for more reasons that one can count.  For the things that they want to accomplish and the possibility that if they get sick, those things may be stifled…extinguished. These are very understandable with the way that things have been going.  It is totally okay to be scared, no matter what you know.  It is okay.  I repeat…IT IS OKAY!  Fear is a natural emotion.  Fear is an emotion that arises when we don’t want something to happen.  Fear is a natural response when we sense something coming, something happening in the atmosphere. Something that we are unsure of, unaware of the real issues and complications of…

Ironically, being off work has let me think.  I used to think that I wasn’t afraid…that I wasn’t scared.  I am fearful….but not of CODIV-19 itself.  I am fearful that someone close to me will get sick.  Not necessarily that they will pass from it, but that they will get sick and be alone.  And what if they do happen to pass from it…it will happen and they will be alone. That part is what people don’t necessarily think about.  The part that people who haven’t had a loss due to all this won’t necessarily think about when they leave out for non-essential reasons. Not being able to touch or see your kids because someone else passed it along to you.

Understand that I don’t necessarily scare easily.  I am not one to be afraid of a lot.  But being alone when I need someone to hold my hand…to look me in my eyes and tell me that they love me; to be in a place that they can rub my hand and look at me lovingly.  To let me know that I will be okay; to let me know when it is time for me to go, to say that it is okay for me to go…they they will miss me once I’m gone.  Lord willing, I will never have to go through that and my family, my friends….they never have to either.

To the many people that have lost a spouse, family member, co-worker, associate…My condolences.  My prayers are with you, with your family, your friends. May God keep you, keep your mind, keep you in his hands.  May He wrap his loving arms around you.  May He send His angels to keep you at this time that maybe you are alone because they aren’t there.  Maybe you feel a certain type of way because you aren’t going to get the closure that you need.  Speak your mind…it may seem a bit weird, but times are weird right now.  Speak it out to someone who will listen. Speak it out to God because He is always there and He is always listening.  If you get lonely…if you get to a place where you just feel like you can’t take it anymore, we are here.  You are not alone.

I may not know you. Or maybe I do. But regardless, I want to let you know that I love you and God does too!



2 thoughts on “Fear….

  1. A heart felt message to me personally and others too I’m sure. Thank you for sharing! Much appreciated and needed for those we are fearful, scared, anxious and concerned.

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